
Oxygen therapy in diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disease involving incorrect secretion and/or action of insulin.  Diabetes is divided into two types:

  • Type one – otherwise “insulin-dependent”, which usually occurs in childhood or young adulthood.  It cannot be prevented, and the treatment consists in the implementation of insulin treatmen, nutrition and lifestyle education.
  • Type two – otherwise insulin-independent, which is caused by too high glucose level and the resulting insulin resistance.  It is most often accompanied by obesity and hypertension.  Treatment usually contains diet and physical activity, as well as oral pharmacotherapy or insulin.

What does the research say about the effect of oxygen therapy on diabetes?

  • Diabetic foot – involves the formation of gangrene and then necrotic changes on the foot.  It leads to amputation while untreated.  Studies show that regular oxygen therapy reduces the risk of amputation by as much as 33%!  We are also talking about cases where ulceration has already occurred, and about people who have delayed starting treatment.  How does it work?  HBOT enables oxygen to be delivered to the affected area, improves blood circulation and facilitates wound healing.  Blood vessels expand, thanks to which the tissue is better nourished.
  • Atherosclerosis – is a disease that often accompanies diabetes.  Diabetes often goes with a high blood pressure and lipid disorders.  Studies have shown that HBOT reduces the deposition of products of the lipid oxidation process in the liver, thanks to which it lowers LDL and allows the inhibition of atherosclerotic changes.
  • Sensory disturbances – glucose fluctuations favor the development of sensory disturbances.  What we know from research on oxygen therapy is that it promotes nerve regeneration and can inhibit and even reverse the process!

What do we see in our patients?

  • Patients often report stabilization of glycaemia after the end of the series.
  • Patients observe the return of lost sensation.
  • HBOT improves metabolism and helps to restore homeostasis in the body, thanks to which patients report weight loss, better mood, and (consequently) smaller discomfort caused by the disease.




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